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Abandoned House
Abandoned House
Desert Eagle
Desert Eagle
This is an abandoned house project for university. All models, texturing, lighting and layout was done by myself over the course of 5 weeks.
Programs used
-3DS Max
-Unreal Engine 4
This USP.45 Model was a personal project that i used to test out normal baking with floaters.
Programs used
-3DS Max
This was a second attempt at making a Desert Eagle. It is, much, better than the first itteration.
Programs used
-3DS Max 
This group project was designed around creating a world based on how a book descrobed the world. Our location was the city of Belisaere from the book of Sabriel.
Programs used
-3DS Max
This was a project between me and my friend to create a small environemt. We chose to do a small blacksmith workshop. 
Programs used
-3DS Max
-Unreal Engine
This was another personal project to test out substance painter and some new rendering techniques.
Programs used
-3DS Max
-Substance Painter 2.0
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